Dental Implants
Dental implants are an option to replace missing teeth with artificial structures. The tooth root is replaced with an implant screw and the tooth crown is replaced with an implant crown.
The implant surgery is required to place the implant screw into the jawbone, where bone tissue can grow around the screw and provide structural integrity. This process takes approximately 2-3 months for the implant to completely heal before the crown can be placed. Loading the implant early can lead to long term issues with the screw and may vary between patients.
Once the implant screw is ready, the implant crown can be designed and made to fit the implant which looks identical to your real tooth.
The main advantage of a dental implant is that it functions as a replica of your original tooth, where its strong structure and aesthetic is replicated.
Although dental implants cannot decay, their longevity is determined by your gum and bone health. It is very important to attend your check up regularly for your dentist to monitor your implant and for them to catch problems as early as possible.
Book a consultation with Dr Michael to plan your implant here.